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Roger Palmer Curriculum Vitae:
Born Portsmouth, England, 1946.
Higher Education: 1964-1968 Portsmouth College of Art; Dip AD (now BA Hons.). 1968-1969 Chelsea School of Art; Higher Dip AD (now M.A.).
Solo Exhibitions & Projects: 2010 Latitude/Tropic: Photography Projects from the Tropic of Capricorn, (with Jeremy Wafer) PSL Project Space Leeds. 2009 Dislocated: Roger Palmer/Paulina Eglé Pukyté, Gallery Vartai, Vilnius. 2008 Caledonia/Canal Zones, Wasps Studios, Glasgow (GI 2008, Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Visual Art commission). 2007 Caledonia/Canal Zones, Wasps Studios, Glasgow. 2006 Plume, Michaelis Gallery, Cape Town. 2004 Overseas, Galerie Stadtpark, Krems and Galerie Fotohof, Salzburg (both Austria). 2001 International Waters II, Union-Castle House, Southampton, organised by John Hansard Gallery. 2000 Precious Metals, South African National Gallery, Cape Town. River, a permanent wall-painting in situ, Makerere University Art Gallery, Kampala, Uganda. buttock & tongue, Rembrandt van Rijn Gallery, Johannesburg. 1995 "Remarks on Colour",Works from South Africa, 1985-1995, Oriel Mostyn, Llandudno, North Wales, touring to Collins Gallery Glasgow (1996). 1994 Un Message à Chickenman, Optica, Montréal. 1993 Blanc de Noir, Galerie Mosel & Tschechow, Munich. 1992 Verlorene Schiffe, Galerie Fotohof, Salzburg. 1991 Ffotogallery, Cardiff. 1990 Lost at Sea, Streetlevel, Glasgow. 1988 Precious Metals, Gardner Arts Centre, University of Sussex. 1987 Precious Metals, Watershed, Bristol; Third Eye Centre, Glasgow; 1986 Salzburg College Gallery, Salzburg. Precious Metals, Serpentine Gallery, London; 1985 Axiom Centre for the Arts, Cheltenham. 1984 Cambridge Darkroom. 1982 Museum für Kultur, West Berlin. 1981 Moira Kelly, London. 1979 Northern Centre for Contemporary Art, Sunderland. 1978 Oliver Dowling, Dublin. 1977 Angela Flowers, London. 1976 Leane Art Gallery, Listowel, Ireland. 1975 Birmingham Arts Lab. 1972 Ceolfrith Gallery, Sunderland. 1970 University of Warwick Art Gallery.
Solo Publications: 2008 Shanty, (Portsmouth, Aspex Visual Arts Trust), documentation of exhibitions and projects in Portsmouth, Leeds, Cape Town, Johannesburg (2006/07); includes an interview with Joanne Bushnell, Director of Aspex and essay by Prof. Colin Richards (Wits University, Johannesburg), 112pp., soft-bound, distributed by Cornerhouse UK. 2007 K, (WAX366, Glasgow in association with the National Centre for Contemporary Art, Kaliningrad, Russia): slip-case containing two concertina books in English and Russian in an edition of 400. 2004 Overseas, (Fotohof Edition, Salzburg), artist’s book of 80 black and white photographs plus an accompanying text , City Centre, specially prepared for Overseas by Ivan Vladislavic, 176pp., case-bound. 2001 International Waters, (John Hansard Gallery, Southampton), includes documentation of projects in Uganda, Scotland/New Zealand, Namibia/New Zealand, & South Africa/England, 1999-2001. Essays by Bridie Lonie (NZ), Lloyd Pollak (SA) & Nikos Papastergiadis (Australia/UK); foreword by Stephen Foster, 72pp, 32 ills. 2000 Cell, (Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki), 24pp, 14 ills.; essay by Ian Hunt in Finnish & English. 1997 British Railways: Warships (WAX 366, Glasgow) silkscreen and letterpress, edition 300. 1995 "Remarks on Colour" (Oriel Mostyn, Llandudno in association with Collins Gallery, Glasgow); introduction by J. M. Coetzee and an essay by Stephen Bann, 36pp., 32 ills. 1991 The Event Horizon (Ffotogallery, Cardiff / Galerie Fotohof, Salzburg), 12pp., 4 ills. 1986 Precious Metals (Serpentine Gallery, London / Cambridge Darkroom), includes an interview by Pavel Büchler, 56pp., 21 ills. 1984 Roger Palmer: Eight Works (Cambridge Darkroom) includes an interview by Brian Human, 16 pp., 8 ills. 1972 Ceolfrith 17: Roger Palmer, Six Prints; (Ceolfrith Press Sunderland).
Public & Corporate Collections: South African National Gallery, Cape Town
Awards, Prizes, Residencies, Conferences, Lectures: 2010 AHRC Research Grant: Between. 2009 Photography: Drawing with Light: course leader, three week summer school, International Summer Academy of Fine Art, Salzburg. 2008 A.H.R.C. Research Grant: Tropic 2006 Photography: language, drawing, location: course leader, three week summer school at the Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Art. 2004 Negotiated Space, symposium featuring Janine Antoni, David A Bailey, Iwan Bala, Xu Bing, Tim Davies, Jacqueline Fraser, Declan McGonagle, Karen McKinnon, Fumio Nanjo, Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba and Fiona Tan, held in conjunction with the first Artes Mundi Prize exhibition at the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff (symposium chair). A.H.R.C. Research Grant, Zones of Silence: an artist’s exploration of colonialism and its influence on globalisation. 2003 Overseas, Scottish Society for the History of Photography Annual Lecture, Edinburgh. 2002 The Return of the Real, conference, Stills Gallery and Edinburgh School of Art on the occasion of Wendy Ewald, Secret Games exhibition (conference chair). 2001 Leverhulme 2001 Research Fellowship, Photography, Place & Placelessness. 2000 A.H.R.B. Small Research Grant in the Arts, Trade Routes: an artist's project exploring sea travel and its relationship to colonial expansion. British Council guest teaching and research residency, School of Fine Art, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. 1998 First Ngoma International Artists' Workshop, Buluba, Iganga, Uganda 1993 Artist in Residence, Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town. 1991 & 1992 Visiting Associate, Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town. 1990 Scottish Arts Council Major Bursary. 1988 The Bill Brandt Prize, awarded for the outstanding fine art photographic 1986 East Midlands Arts Award. 1984-1985 Fellow in Photography, Department of Fine Art, Exeter College of Art & Design. 1984 South West Arts Award. 1980 Prizewinner: "Midland View 1", Stoke on Trent. 1979 East Midlands Arts Major Award. 1978 East Midlands Arts Award. 1976-1978 Arts Council of Great Britain Artist in Residence, Trent Polytechnic, Nottingham. 1976 Greek Government Travel Scholarship. 1973 1st Prize: Northern Printmakers & Photographers Exhibition, Billingham. 1972 Northern Arts Award. 1970 1st Prize: Pernod/Northern Arts Open Exhibition, Laing Art Gallery,
Group Exhibitions: 2011 Familiarity, Vantaa Art Museum, Finland. 2007 Photophobia, Kaliningrad Art Gallery, Kaliningrad. 2006 Migratory Aesthetics, University of Leeds Gallery, curated by Griselda Pollock. 2005 A Second Sight, International Biennale of Contemporary Art, National Gallery in Prague. Project No. 8: Ian Jeffrey UK Antitheticals. Cat. Essay pp 182-186, RP pp 196/197. 2004 A Decade of Democracy, 1994-2004, Isiko SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL GALLERY, Cape Town. Conversation Pieces, THE INTERNATIONAL 3, Manchester. 2002 Scotland Calls, 20th Century Sottish Photography, BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY, Boston, MA (curated by Murray Forbes) (catalogue). Trentside, (curated by Nicholas Alfrey) DJANOGLY ART GALLERY, University of Nottingham (catalogue). 2000 Expressions: Scottish Art 1976 - 1989, ABERDEEN ART GALLERY, touring to McManus Galleries, Dundee and Dundee Contemporary Arts. 1999 Contemporary British Landscape, FLOWERS EAST, London(catalogue). 1998 Offene Grenzen, L Baltz, S Bitter/H Weber, J Bolande, J Brohm, V Burgin, 1997 Invasion, Saaremaa Biennaal, KURESSAARE, ESTONIA (catalogue). 1996 City Limits, STAFFORDSHIRE UNIVERSITY, STOKE-ON-TRENT. 1995 The Edge of Town, Burgin, Christo, Craig, Creates, Drury, Fulton, Harrison, James, Long, McCoy, Nash, Palmer, Parker, Sinclair, Smithson, Sonfist, Ukeles, Webster, Willats; Second International Distinguished Artists Symposium & Exhibition, JOSELOFF GALLERY, UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT (curated by Bob Chaplin & Zina Davis) (catalogue & video). 1993/94 Light Touches, Bob Chaplin, Thomas Joshua Cooper, Willie Doherty, Knut Maron, Roger Palmer; MAISON POUR TOUS, CALAIS (curated by David Reason). 1992 Nueva Fotografiá Escocesa, CENTRO CULTURAL DEL CONDE DUQUE, MADRID (catalogue). 1991 Persistence of Memory, The Third Israeli Biennale of Photography; MUSEUM OF ART, EIN HAROD (curated by John Stathatos) (catalogue). 1990 Camera Art in Scotland Now, FOTOFEST, HOUSTON, TEXAS (curated by David Brittain & Murray Johnston). 1989 Ways of Telling, MOSTYN ART GALLERY, LLANDUDNO. 1989 Anima Mundi; Still-Life in Britain, STILLS GALLERY, EDINBURGH, and CANADIAN MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY, OTTAWA, Touring Exhibition (curated by Martha Langford) (catalogue). 1988 Images of British Landscapes, MEYERHOFF GALLERY, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. 1987 Knowing Your Place, Artists` Parish Maps, ECOLOGY CENTRE LONDON (Commission). 1986 Landmatters, BLACKFRIARS ARTS CENTRE, BOSTON (curated by Garry Miller) (catalogue). 1985 Railways in Art, CASTLE MUSEUM, NOTTINGHAM (curated by Ian Jeffrey). The Sky Show, CAMBRIDGE DARKROOM (curated by Mark Lumley). 1983 And the North, BREWERY ARTS CENTRE, KENDAL (Commission). 1982 Presences of Nature, CARLISLE MUSEUM & ART GALLERY (catalogue). 1981 Hamish Fulton, Roger Palmer, Peter Miller, IMPRESSIONS GALLERY, YORK. 1980 Nature as Material, ACGB touring show (curated by Andrew Causey) (catalogue). 1979 Three Perspectives on Photography, HAYWARD GALLERY, LONDON (curated by Paul Hill, Angela Kelly, John Tagg)(catalogue). 1977 Art Landscape/Landscape Art, HØDVIKODDEN, OSLO. 1976 5th International Print Biennale, CARTWRIGHT HALL, BRADFORD (catalogue). 1974 4th International Print Biennale, CARTWRIGHT HALL, BRADFORD (catalogue). 1973 Northern Printmakers & Photographers, BILLINGHAM ART GALLERY. 1972 Artists of the North East, RICHARD DEMARCO GALLERY, EDINBURGH. 1970 Pernod/Northern Arts Exhibition, LAING ART GALLERY, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. 1969 Young Contemporaries, London.
Curated Exhibitions: 1996 "Earth & Everything", Recent Art from South Africa, Arnolfini Bristol, touring to CCA Glasgow, First Site Colchester, Wrexham Arts Centre, Oriel 31 Newtown(catalogue, co-curated with Tessa Jackson)). 1993 Artist's Choice, a Personal Selection from the Collection, South African National Gallery, Cape Town. 1990 "V", FiveYears of Photography at the Glasgow School of Art, Mackintosh Museum. An exhibition of work by students, staff and eminent visitors to the Department of Fine Art Photography, 1985-1990.
Employment: 2005-2008 Member of Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Research Panel 2, Visual Arts and Media. 2004 Appointed Professor of Fine Art at the University of Leeds, School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies. Senior Lecturer in Fine Art at the Glasgow School of Art, Scotland 2002 Awarded Professorship at the Glasgow School of Art. 1996- 2004 Programmer & Organiser of the School of Fine Art (SoFA) Friday Event, a weekly public programme of lectures, performances and screenings held in the Glasgow Film Theatre. 1988- 2002 Lecturer, MFA Programme, Glasgow School of Art (co-founder with Sam Ainsley & Sandy Moffat). Acting Course Leader 1992, 1995, 2001, 2002. 1987-1991 Lecturer Department of Fine Art Photography (full-time). 1985-1987 Lecturer Department of Fine Art Photography (half-time); Glasgow School of Art. 1986-1996 Annual Workshop Leader, International Photography Programme, Salzburg College, Austria. 1983-1985 South West Arts Fellow in Photography, Exeter College of Art & Design. 1981-1984 Visiting Lecturer, Department of Film & Photography, Falmouth School of Art; responsible for students working with photography in a Fine Art context. 1980-1984 Visiting Lecturer, Photography Department, Derbyshire College of Higher Education. 1979-1984 Visiting Lecturer, Department of Fine Art, Wolverhampton Polytechnic; responsible for students working with photography in Painting Department. 1976-1978 Arts Council of Great Britain Artist/Photographer in Residence, Trent Polytechnic Nottingham. 1969-1976 Lecturer (half-time), Department of Fine Art, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; in charge of silkscreen and photography areas, and teaching across the Department of Fine Art.
External Examining: 1989-1992 Diploma in Photography, City of London Polytechnic. 1988-1990 MA in Photographic Studies, Derby College of Higher Education. 1987 Dept. of Fine Art, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Polytechnic. 2001- 2004 BA Hons. Photography, University of Derby. 2005-2007 MA Photography, University College Falmouth.
Britain & Ireland Royal College of Art, London; The Slade School of Fine Art, University of London; Goldsmith’s College, University of London; Chelsea School of Art; Camberwell College of Art; Wimbledon School of Art; Sheffield Polytechnic; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Polytechnic; Preston Polytechnic; Brighton Polytechnic; West Surrey College of Art; Manchester Polytechnic; Liverpool College of Art; Derbyshire College of Higher Education; Chesterfield College of Art; Trent Polytechnic Nottingham; South Wales Institute of Higher Education, Cardiff; Gwent College of Higher Education, Newport; Sir John Cass School of Art, London; University of Leeds; Sunderland Polytechnic; Staffordshire University; Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen; Duncan of Jordanstoun College of Art, Dundee; The National College of Art, Dublin; Crawford School of Art, Cork. Overseas Rijksakademie, Amsterdam, Rotterdam Academy of Fine Arts; Jan van Eyck Akademie, Maastricht; Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Braunschweig; Fotowest, Innsbruck; 3rd International Photography Symposium, Graz; Salzburg International Summmer Academy of Fine Arts, First Israeli Photography Biennale, Mishkan l'Omanut, Ein Harod;m Saaremaa Biennaal Conference, Kuressaare, Estonia; Maryland Institute, Baltimore, Maryland; The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois; Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois; University of Hartford, Connecticut; Concordia University, Montréal, QC; Nova Scotia College of Art & Design, Halifax, NS; Memorial University of Newfoundland, Corner Brook, NF; Michaelis School of Art, University of Cape Town; University of Stellenbosch; University of Durban Westville; Natal Technikon, Durban; University of South Africa, Pretoria; Wits Technikon, Johannesburg; University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg; The British Council, Nairobi; Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda; University of Namibia, Windhoek; The British Council, Windhoek, Namibia; Otago Polytechnic School of Art, Dunedin, New Zealand; Elim School of Art, University of Auckland, New Zealand; South Australia School of Art, Adelaide; Victoria College of the Arts, Melbourne, Cauca University, Popayan, Colombia, Lugar a Dudas, Cali, Colombia. Soonsil University, Seoul, Yonsei University, Seoul, Hongik University, Seoul, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Exhibition Catalogues (selected): 6 Artists; Berg, Buckley, Cina, Huxley, Palmer, Scully; Critic`s Choice exhibition selected by William Varley. Gulbenkian Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne, 3 - 24 December 1973. Essay by W Varley; artist`s statement; biography. Time, Words and the Camera; Photoworks by British Artists; Jasia Reichardt (ed.), Kunstlerhaus, Graz, Austria; 10 October - 7 November 1976. Essay by J Reichardt, 3 ills., artist`s statement, description of works; biography . Aspects of the Landscape; Recent Works by Ten British Artists; British Council touring exhibition 1977; essay by Ann Elliot, 2 ills., artist`s statement. Three Perspectives on Photography; Hayward Gallery, London. 1 June - 8 July 1979. 3 ills., biography. Nature as Material; exhibition of sculpture and photographs purchased for ACGB Collection. Curated by Andrew Causey, Southport 1980 and touring; introductory essay by A Causey, 1 ills., biography. ROSC `80; international exhibition of contemporary art; University College, Dublin, 27 July - 30 September 1980. 4 ills., biography. Roger Palmer, Midland Group, Nottingham, 17 April - 15 May 1982. Essay by Fred Brookes; biography. Presences of Nature; Words and Images of the Lake District. Neil Hanson (ed.), Carlisle Museum and Art Gallery, 1982. 5 ills., biography. Landscape Prints; Long, Palmer, Chaplin, Ackroyd, Skiold, Loker, Stainton; Brighton Polytechnic Gallery, 6 - 20 January 1983; essay by Ian Jeffrey; biography. South West Survey; exhibition of five years of SWA awards to photographers, Watershed, Bristol; 25 August - 29 September 1984; commissioned essay by R Palmer, 1 ill. Society of Scottish Artists` 90th Exhibition; photography section curated by Thomas Joshua Cooper, Edinburgh 1984; essay by T J Cooper, biography. Valley Visitors; part of The Valleys project, Ffotogallery, Cardiff 24 July - 24 August 1985. Essay by Ian Walker, 1 ill. Land Matters; curated by Gary Miller, Blackfriars Art Centre, Boston Lincs. 28 April - 25 May 1986 and touring; essays by G Miller, C Titterington, 2 ills., biography. Boundaries; Cooper, Fulton, Ginn, Goto/Eachus, Harold, Palmer, Wainwright; curated by Pavel Buchler, Cambridge Darkroom 12 July - 21 August 1986; essay by P Buchler, 2 ills., biography. A World`s Waste; Cumbria, Sellafield and Nuclear Reprocessing; Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal, 11 April - 16 May 1987 and touring; essay by P Davies, G Evans, 1 ills. s`Nachts Varen de Boten: Kunst Verbeeldt de Zee; Maritiem Museum Prinz Hendrik, Rotterdam, 1989; 1 ill. plus accompanying text. Metamorphosis of the Image: Recent Photographic Strategies in Britain; British Council/Hellenic Centre of Photography, Athens 1989, essay by John Stathatos, 1 ill. (cover). Through the Looking Glass: Photographic Art in Britain 1945-1989; Barbican Art Gallery, London 1989. 1 ill. Anima Mundi: Still-life in Britain; Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, Ottawa 1989; essays by M Langford, R Powell, 2 ills. New Scottish Photography; a critical review of the work of seventeen photographers curated by David Brittain and Sara Stevenson, Scottish National Portrait Gallery 1990; essays by S Stevenson, D Brittain, "Roger Palmer" essay by D Brittain, 5pp. ills. Also published as: Persistence of Memory; The Third Israeli Biennale of Photography; Mishkan Le 'Omanut, Museum of Art, Ein Harod 1991; essay by J Stathatos (curator), artist`s statement, biography, Fotofeis; Catalogue of the International Festival of Photography in Scotland 1995; essays by Allen Frame, Pavel Büchler, Val Williams; introduction to"Coat-of-Arms" exhibition at Mackintosh Museum, 1 ills. pp. 130/131. The Edge of Town; Second International Distinguished Artists' Symposium & Exhibition 1995/96: twenty artists, plus writers and scholars approach the physical, cultural and poetic aspects of the environment, curated by Bob Chaplin and Zina Davis, Joseloff Gallery, University of Hartford, Connecticut; essays by Stephen Bann and Bob Chaplin, 1 ill. Invasion / Invasioon; Centre for Contemporary Photography, Tallinn, Estonia. Catalogue of Saaremaa Biennaal, 1997, curated by Eve & Peeter Linnap at Kuressaare, Estonia; essays by Ian Jeffrey, 4 ills., and R. Palmer (on Fanozi Chickenman Mkhize) 4 ills. Offene Grenzen; Galerie Fotohof, Salzburg, Austria; CD ROM to accompany international exhibition curated by Rainer Iglar and Michael Mauracher at Künstlerwerkstatt, Munich 1998. Includes illustrated interview with curators, 5 installation images and 7 illustrations of individual works. Contemporary British Landscape; 6 August - 19 September 1999, Flowers East, London; essay by William Packer, 1 ill. Trentside; 27 October - 16 December 2001, Djanogly Art Gallery, University of Nottingham, curated by Nicholas Alfrey; essays by Nicholas Alfrey, George Revell and Stephen Daniels. 3 ills., each accompanied by a text by N Alfrey. A Second Sight; International Biennale of Contemporary Art, Prague 2005 Art-Guide: Königsberg/Kaliningrad Now; Kaliningrad Branch of the National Centre for Contemporary Arts, the NGO Agency for Support of Cultural Initiatives “Tranzit” (Kaliningrad), pp. 266/67: ISBN 5-94620-020-8
Texts on Roger Palmer: Articles, Interviews, Publications, Essays (selected): "Landscape...Photography...Drawing", Aspects 8, Newcastle, 1979 (1ill.; artist`s statement). "Backwoodsmen", Ian Jeffrey, London Magazine, London, November 1979, pp. 73-79. "In General and In Particular, The Photographic Works of Roger Palmer", Creative Camera 195/196, London, 1981, pp. 34-42 (8 ills). "Interview with Roger Palmer", Brian Stokoe, Creative Camera 195/196, London, 1981, "Roger Palmer"' , Symposium on Photography III,Camera Austria 7, Graz, 1982, "Fotographie in Europa Heute", DuMont Foto 4, Dumont Buchverlag, Koln 1982, "And The North, Roger Palmer, John Malcolm, Nigel Inglis", Neil Hanson, "Elements of/in Transport: Roger Palmer`s Photographic Work", Undercut 12, London, 1984, pp. 46-50 (4 ills.). "Paul Nash, Raymond Moore...les Signes Infimes, la Tradition du Paysage Minimal en Angleterre", Photographies 8, Paris, September 1985, pp. 22-24; 116-118 (1 ill.). "Climbing out of the Ghetto", John Stathatos, Artscribe International, Summer 1987, London, pp. 47-49. "Crabfat", a work published for the exhibition "Knowing your Place, Artists` Parish Maps", "Untitled", a work in two parts for Creative Camera 8/9, London, 1988, pp. 52-55 (2 ills.). "Roger Palmer", Robin Dance, Artists` Newsletter, April 1989, Sunderland. "15 Artists: 150 Years", European Photography 39, Göttingen, 1989, pp. 30-31 (artist's pages). "Photography: Towards a Multi-Cultural Approach", S.E. Arts/Essex C.C., ed. Jim Hornsby, 1989; essay by S Gamble/D Smith (1 ill.). "Representation & Metaphor: Photography in Britain during the 1980s", John Stathatos, European Photography 43, Göttingen, 1990, pp. 20-26 (1 ill.). "Through the Looking Glass", Gerry Badger in conversation with Martin Caiger-Smith, "New Scottish Photography", Jonathan Robertson, Portfolio 9, Edinburgh, 1990 (1 ill.). "Untitled", Creative Camera 321, London, 1993, pp. 20/21 (2 ills.). "Invited Artist at the Annexe / Taking a Line for a Walk", Bonani Newsletter, South African National Gallery, July - September 1993. "Tekens uit ons Tyd, Roger Palmer laat jou weer kyk na jou wêreld", Gavin Younge, "Work from South Africa: a tribute to Chickenman Mkize, 1959-1995", "Near and Far, Another Conversation with Roger Palmer", Pavel Büchler, "Roger Palmer, Line of Defence", European Photography 60, Göttingen, 1996, pp. 56-60 "The Home in Modernity", Nikos Papastergiadis in Excavating Modernism 1, (eds. AlexColes & Richard Bentley), BACKless Books, London 1996, pp. 108-9. "Roger Palmer, in other words", Portfolio 25, Edinburgh, 1997, pp. 46-49 (3 ills.). "Figures of Authority: Roger Palmer", Ian Hunt, Portfolio 25, Edinburgh, 1997, "Lost (for)Words", in Ghost Stories, Stray Thoughts on Photography and Film, Pavel Büchler, Proboscis, London 1999, pp. 45-49 (2 ills.). "Encounters", Ian Hunt in Space & Culture 5.1, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2002, pp. 63-69 (5 ills. including cover). ‘Artists’ Pages’, Eikon - Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst, HEFT 45, 2004, pp.29-33 (5 ills.) ‘Roger Palmer: Overseas’, Margarethe Szeless, Eikon - Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst, HEFT 45, 2004, p.28. ‘Overseas’: Scottish Society for the History of Photography (SSHoP) Annual Photographer’s Lecture, Edinburgh 2003, published in. ‘Studies in Photography’ 2004. Published annually by SSHoP, eds McKenzie R, Thorp M. pp. 5-11, 10 illustrations. inc. cover: ISSN 1462-0510 ‘City Centre/Overseas’, in Art South Africa, Vol 3, Issue 1 Spring 2004. Illustrations of four photographs, p.38-42; co-author Ivan Vladislavi?. ‘A Return to International Waters’, Nikos Papastergiadis, in Spatial Aesthetics, Art, Place and the Everyday, Rivers Oram, 2006, 1 illustration.
Reviews (selected): Varley, W., "Roger Palmer Exhibition in Sunderland", The Guardian, 22 March 1972 (exhibition at Ceolfrith Arts Centre). Gilmour, P., "Roger Palmer Photographs", Arts Review 24, November 1977 Packer, W., "Wrapping up the Reichstag, Christo and Others", Financial Times, Walker, D., "Review from Dublin", Art Monthly 21, pp. 31-2, 1978. Jeffrey, I., "Three Perspectives on Photography", Artscribe 18, pp. 47-9, July 1979 Januszczak, W., "Roger Palmer", The Guardian, 22 January 1981 Lee, D.G., "Roger Palmer", Arts Review 30, January 1981, p. 27 Powell, R., "Fulton/Miller/Palmer Open Forum", Open Eye 16, Liverpool, pp. 4-6, July 1981 (exhibition at Impressions Gallery, York). Powell, R., "Hamish Fulton, Peter Miller, Roger Palmer at the Impressions Gallery, York", White, N.C., "Roger Palmer", Aspects 20, Autumn 1982 (exhibition at Midland Group, Nottingham). Powell, R., "Beyond Latitude 51 40", British Journal of Photography, 18 November 1983 Kerman, L., "Roger Palmer and Clare Wardman", Aspects 27, Summer 1984 Jeffrey, I., "Roger Palmer at Pentonville", Creative Camera 245, pp. 6-7, May 1985. Feaver, W., The Observer, 26 October 1986. Lee, D., "Roger Palmer", Arts Review, 5 December 1986. Stathatos, J., "Roger Palmer : Serpentine", Artscribe International, March/April 1987. McKenzie, R., "Roger Palmer's Precious Metals at the Third Eye Centre", Currie, M., "Roger Palmer ", City Limits, p. 71, July 14, 1988 . Lee, D., "Roger Palmer", Arts Review, p. 479, July 1988. Cartwright, R., "Hello Sailor: Lost at Sea at the Air Gallery", Lip Service 4, Jeffrey, I., "Of Memory and of Body: Roger Palmer's Lost at Sea at Air Gallery, London", Creative Camera 11, p.33, 1988. Richter, W., "Spannung von Bild un Zeichen installation von Roger Palmer in der Galerie Fotohof", Salzburger Nachrichten, October 6, 1988. Durden, M., "Roger Palmer: New Works at Ffotogallery, Cardiff", Alba 1.4, p.31, 1991 Büchler, P., "Lost (for) Words, Roger Palmer at Fotohof, Salzburg", Munitz, B., "Chickenman Mkhize & Roger Palmer at African Studies Centre, UCT", Richter, W., "Erfahrung in Raum und Zeit Ein Minimalist mit Präzision: Arbeiten von Roger Palmer in der Galerie Fotohof", Salzburger Nachtrichten, 9 April 1992. Sonna, B., "Aktuell in Münchner Galerien", Süddeutsche Zeitung, 7 May 1993. Godby, M., "Roger Palmer: Colour Blind", Weekly Mail & Guardian, Johannesburg, Lehmann, H., "Peepshows, The Little Big Spaces of Stornoway and Optica", Mirror Magazine Durden, M., "Roger Palmer", Art Monthly 190, pp. 34-5, 1995 (1 ill.). Zimmer, W., "On the Edge; Where Nature Comes Together With Culture", The New York Times, p. 14, 7 January 1996 (1 ill.). Atkinson, B., "Lank Bucks", Weekly Mail & Guardian, p. 30, Johannesburg, 5 June 1997 Donaldson, B., "Roger Palmer", The List 317, Edinburgh, 10-23 October 1997. Kerr, S., "Artists rise to the challenge", The Herald, Glasgow, November 13 1997, Pollak, L., "The intelligent aerobics of image and text", The Cape Times, Cape Town, Pollak, L., "Dazzling Conceptual Pyrotechnics", The Cape Times, p. 11, Cape Town, 2 June 2000 (2 ills.). Van Bosch, C., "Publiek is onwelkom op dié boot na kammaland", Die Burger, Cape Town, 12 June 2000. Andrews, M., "Roger Palmer: International Waters", Contemporary Visual Arts 29, Hunt, I., "Roger Palmer: Glasgow Print Studio, 5 February - 18 March 2000", Untitled 22, London, 2000, pp. 31-2 (1 ill.). Maunuksela, A., "Merkittäviä Tiloja, Jossakin", Helsingin Sanomat, Helsinki, Hampson, J., "International Waters by Roger Palmer" inSpace and Culture: International Journal of Social Spaces, 5.4, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks CA, USA, 2002 (pp. 415-416). Jeffrey, Ian: ‘Overseas’ European Photography No 76 Volume 25 Issue 2Winter 2004/2005 pp71-72 1 ills. Godby, Michael: ‘Roger Palmer, Michaelis Art Gallery Cape Town’. Art South Africa Vol 04 issue 04 winter 2006 p77 1 ills. Lamprecht, Andrew, ‘Roger Palmer at Michaelis Gallery’, Artthrob (SA) Corrigal, Mary: ‘Plume by Roger Palmer’, The Premises, Johannesburg, Sunday Independent (SA), 25 February 2007.
Reviews / Articles by CONTACT _Con-475AF6331 Roger Palmer: "There is no museum in the exhibition at present", Alba 1.4, Edinburgh, 1991, p.32. "Debut: A Teacher's Choice", European Photography 48, Göttingen, 1991, p.19. "Looking Back with Reference; Neville Dubow: Sequences, Series, Sites", Creative Camera 319, London, pp. 43-44. "Blending the Ordinary and the Extraordinary", Vrye Weekblad, Johannesburg, "Thomas Joshua Cooper, The Mackintosh Museum, Glasgow", Untitled 3, London, 1993/1994, p. 21. "Ngoma International Artists' Workshop", AN Magazine, Sunderland, January 1999, p. 28, "Economy of Means: the Work of David Bellingham", Edinburgh Review 10, Edinburgh, 1999, pp. 38-39. "A helicopter, a man, two boys, 21 miles, 24 hours, 19ft., lifeboat", Conversation Pieces, Pavel Büchler, Manchester, International 3, 2004, pp. 19-21. |